Poonam Pandey is an Indian model and actress who made her Bollywood debut in 2013 with the film Nasha. On February 2, 2024, she posted on social media that she had died of cervical cancer, but later revealed it was a publicity stunt to raise awareness. Born on March
Tag: ipoonampandey
Poonam Pandey, an Indian model and actress, rose to fame through her social media accounts, particularly Twitter, where she gained attention for posting semi-nude photos. She became widely recognized after promising to strip for the Indian national cricket team if they
Poonam Pandey is an Indian model and actress who gained fame through her social media accounts, particularly Twitter, where she posted semi-nude photos. Her bold and revealing pictures have garnered significant media attention. Born in Kanpur, India in 1991, she made
Poonam Pandey is an Indian model and actress who gained popularity through her social media accounts, particularly Twitter, where she posted semi-nude photos. Her revealing photos garnered significant media attention, and she became a media sensation after promising to