In a futuristic, violent metropolis of Mega City One, cops called "judges" serve as judge, jury, and executioner, with Dredd being one of the most feared. Partnered with Cassandra, a rookie with psychic abilities, Dredd is sent to confront a dangerous drug
Tag: judge dredd
Mega City One is a vast, violent metropolis where felons rule the streets, and the only law lies with judges like Dredd. Dredd, portrayed by Karl Urban, is one of the city's most feared cops, acting as judge, jury, and executioner. When partnered with rookie
In a violent and futuristic metropolis called Mega City One, crime rules the streets, and the only law enforcement is the judges, with one of the most feared being Dredd. Partnered with a rookie with psychic abilities, Dredd must face a dangerous drug lord named Ma-Ma