Kuuko, also known as Cthuko, is an ancient alien who is deeply in love with Nyaruko. Despite her clingy nature, she is honest enough to admit that she has a strong liking for Mahiro. Kuuko is a cosplayer and a gamer, known for her red-haired, slender human girl form.
Tag: kuukow
Kuuko, also known as Cthuko, is an ancient alien who is one of the main characters in the Haiyore! Nyaruko-san series. She is deeply in love with Nyaruko and is often portrayed as clingy. Kuuko is a skilled shapeshifter and typically takes the form of a red-haired,
Kuuko, also known as Cthuko, is an ancient alien character and one of the main protagonists in the Haiyore! Nyaruko-san series. She is deeply in love with Nyaruko, displaying a clingy but affectionate nature. Despite her alien origins, Kuuko appears to have a fondness
Kūko, also known as Kuuko and Cthuko, is a prominent character in the series Haiyore! Nyaruko-san. She is an ancient alien who harbors deep affection for Nyaruko. Kūko appears to be clingy but is also very devoted. She has a playful and mischievous nature that adds
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