The Hotwives is an American sitcom that premiered on July 15, 2014, on the streaming service Hulu. The series takes you inside the uber-exclusive and glamorous world of six "hot housewives" in Central Florida's sexiest city, Orlando. Tawny St. John is
Tag: the hotwives
The Hotwives is an American sitcom that premiered on Hulu in 2014, parodying the popular Real Housewives franchise. The show follows six ultra-glamorous women living in Orlando, enjoying a life of luxury and drama. The main characters, Tawny and Shauna, are loosely
The Hotwives is an American sitcom that premiered on July 15, 2014, on the streaming service Hulu. The show follows six "hot housewives" in the glamorous world of Orlando, who are not your average housewives, but a notch above the stars of "Real